in response to covid-19…
Events we all have been looking forward to have been cancelled for the spring. This doesn’t mean the learning with your horse has to stop! The Horseman’s University is now offering virtual workshops and classes to take with your horse. Check out the current offerings now, and check back in later to see if there’s anything new. Don’t see anything you like? Send us an email at with what you’d like to see for a course
Liberty Workshop available now!
Trailer loading class available now!
virtual WORKshops!
When you join a virtual workshop, you’ll watch demos with the instructor, submit your own videos for critique, and discuss how to improve all in a virtual classroom!
April 13-19, 2020 - $99 - Ryan Rose Horsemanship - developing liberty - 10 students
Prerequisites - Round pen or small working space, horse, stick & string or stick & flag
In this workshop, work virtually with Ryan and other students on developing connection and spins at liberty!
April 13 - Meet up virtually and discuss the goals, watch demo with Ryan on developing horse at liberty. Dismiss with homework for next meeting. Submit short video of homework.
April 15 - Meet virtually to review homework with students and receive critique from Ryan on how to improve. Watch demo and discuss the next step in developing connection at liberty. Dismiss with homework for next meeting.
April 17 - Meet virtually to review homework with students and receive critique from Ryan on how to improve. Watch demo and discuss the next step in developing connection at liberty. Dismiss with homework for next meeting.
April 19 - Meet virtually to review homework with students and receive critique from Ryan on how to improve. End the workshop with ideas on how to progress from where you’re at with your horse!
APril 20-22, 2020 - $59 - Ryan Rose horsemanship - improving your trailer loading - 12 students
Prerequisites - Trailer, horse, stick & string or stick & flag
April 20 - Meet up virtually and discuss the goals, watch demo with Ryan on developing horse at liberty. Dismiss with homework for next meeting. Submit short video of homework.
April 22 - Meet virtually to review homework with students and receive critique from Ryan on how to improve. End the workshop with ideas on how to progress from where you’re at with your horse!